Allamanda is genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. They are native to Mexico to Argentina. Allamandas are evergreen tree, shrubs or vine. They contain white latex. The leaves are opposite or arranged in whorl. The flowers are bell or funnel shaped. Most are yellow colour. But now orange, pink colour flower variety also available. The fruits is schizocarp containing 2 -4 seeds.

Allamandas widely grow along river banks, road sides, home garden and other open places where direct sunlight they can thrive.

 I share some easy tips of cultivation o f Allamanda in your home garden:-


1.       You can purchase seedlings from any nursery or propagate through cutting.

2.       If you want to propagate it from cutting than take 4 to 6 inches long shoots in spring OR during rainy season.

3.       Use rooting powder like IBA ( Indole butyric acid) powder to induce roots in cutting.

4.       If you have no rooting medium no problem.

5.       Rooting medium increase success to develop roots in cuttings.

6.       Use large garden container to develop seedlings more.

7.       Use potting mix like 60% loamy soil+ 25% coco peat+ 5% sand +5% organic compounds or any well drain potting mix.

8.       Potting mix pour into the garden container and watering high before transplant cuttings.

9.        Now shoot cuttings are wash in low concentrate broad spectrum fungicide.

10.    If you have no fungicide just wash it thoroughly in fresh water.

11.   Keep in mind that cuttings are done just 3- 5 mm below the node where roots will be developed.

12.    Picks up maximum leaves from the cuttings leaving 3-4 leaves.

13.   Now cuttings ends deep in rooting powder and transplant it into potting medium by making a hole with pencil tips or by finger.

14.   You can plot 5 to 6 cuttings in a container  spacing 4 inches to develop seedlings

15.    Now covered it with transplant polythene and placed your container under semi shade area.

16.   The cuttings will start rooting in 2 to 4 weeks.

17.   Watering medium till seedlings are developed properly.

18.   When seedlings are well developed you should separate the new seedlings and transfer each seedlings into 12 inch diameter garden containers.


19.   Mogra requires profuse water but keep in mind that overwatering can damage your plants.

20.    Next watering done when top soil will go to dry.

21.   Any water logging in pots may infect roots.


22.   Use nitrogen based organic fertilizer like bone dust one teaspoon in a month or dry cow dung two teaspoon every 15 days.

23.   Organic fertilizer just spread on the top soil. Fertilizer leaches out slowly when watering will be done.

24.   When seedlings are grow well you should start feeding with NPK fertilizer for blooming more.

25.   Best time is to start feeding from the month of February in India.

26.   Use 5gm  NPK (19:19:19) in a month. NPK induces proper reproductive growth and blooms up your plants.


27.   The size of the plant can be controlled by pruning and by doing so more branches out and thereby more blooming occurs.

28.   Pruning should be done after flowering has finished as this encourages the new growth on which the next flush of flowers will occur.

29.   Change pot as per growth of plants OR when you noticed roots are come out from potting holes.


30.   A number of insect pest may attacks during summer.  

31.    Water your plant at base. Don’t give water on leaves.

32.   If it not possible than watering done in the morning because leaves will have enough time to dry.

33.   Don’t use high nitrogen fertilizer when any infection occur.

34.   Avoid fertilizing plants when your plants infect with powdery mildew.

35.   Immediately trim affected part and dispose it carefully.

36.   Use Neem oil( 3 ml/lit ) as foliage spray every 15 days .
