Areca palm: how to grow and care for areca palm

Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) also known as Golden palm, Yellow palm or Butterfly Palm is a species of flowering plant in the family Arecaceae, native to Madagascar and naturalised in Andaman Islands, Cuba, Puer to Rico, The Canary Islands, South Florida, Halti, The Dominician Republic,  The Leeward Antilles and The Leeward Islands.

It is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens, offices and Mall in Tropical and Sub-Tropical regions and elsewhere indoor as a house plant.

The Areca Palm is a Medium sized palm tree, which can grow up to 20 meter in height. The trunk is small varying from 10cm to 15cm in diameter. Its leaves can grow till 1.5 -2.0 meter long and have a pinnate shape. The fruit is oval shaped, orange coloured and bear a hard single seed.

Growing and maintainance of areca palm in your home garden

You can grow and maintained easily in your home garden by following instructions.


1.      Purchase seedlings from nearest nursery or online.

2.      You may propagate by off shoots cutting or by seed germination.

3.      Best is to propagate it from cutting off shoots because it is very easy process of propagation.

4.      For large scale commercial production of seedlings, seed germination is best.

5.      Through seed germination it will take 3 to 4 months to germinate.

By cutting off shoots

6.      If you want to propagate by cutting, examine tree base to find any off shoots that are growing side from main branch.

7.      To propagate an Areca palm remove one of the off shoots that grow from its base keeping its roots intact.

8.      Just dig around base of the plant soil to reveal some of the roots of offshoot branches.

9.      Now use a sharp sterilized knife to split this off shoot away from the mother plant.

10.  For safety wear gardening gloves to protect your hand.


  After cutting grip the off shoot with both hands and try to free it from the soil.

12.   Now wash off shoots with a dilute broad spectrum fungicide.


After washing let the plant soak for around an hour so the roots are ready to be replanted.

14.  Use potting mix like 35% coco peat + 35 % soil + 10% charcoal +10%  leaves compose + 10% sand.

15.  Use 4 – 10 inches diameter clay or plastics pots or growing bag with well drainage system.

16.   Fill your container with potting soil mix.

17.  Now cutting off shoots ready to transplant in potting medium by making a hole in the centre pot.

18.  Press the potting mix by hand to firm the cutting off shoot roots in potting medium and water gently.

19.  Now pots are taken under semi shade area till roots and seedling adjust with new potting mix.

From My Garden

By seed germination

20.  You can purchase Areca palm seeds at a nursery or garden centre.

21.   Now you should to peel out outer fibrous layer to increase the success of germination.

22.  To peel out the seed coat wet your seeds and rub along the mesh until outer fibrous layer each seed washes away.

23.  Now fill a bowel or cup with tap water and place your peeled or clear seeds inside.

24.  Change the water on a daily basis so the hard outer shell of the seed can soften.

25.  Soaked seeds are more likely to germinate successfully.

26.   Plant the seeds 2 to 6 feet apart if you are planting outside. Or you may germinate it in germination tray.

27.   Dig a small hole in the soil where you plant to grow, now bury your seeds beneath the surface leaving part of the seed visible.

28.  Now place your germination try in partial shade and maintain consistent moist till seed germination.

29.  Seeds will take 2 to 4 months germinate.

 Planting and growing season

30.  You should plant and propagate during any season.

31.  Soil temperature of 80 to 85 degree Fahrenheit seems to be ideal.

32.  Cold temperature can slow or prevent germination.

33.  Excessive bottom heat can be damaging to seedlings roots.


From My Garden

    Selection of pots and growing bags

34.  If you want to grow in a container, choose a container as per size of seedling.

35.  To propagate by cutting off shoots use 4-6 inches diameter garden container for developing new seedlings.

36.  You may grow it in growing bag.

37.  Growing containers should have a good draining system with 2-3 holes.

38.  Now place your container where it can receive at least 4- 5hours direct sunlight or partial shade sunlight.

39.  You may kept indoors in south-east or east or west direction windows of living room or hall where at least 3-4 our direct sunlight available.

Light requirement.

40.  These gorgeous plants require a lot of light to grow, but they do not like direct sunlight.

41.  Areca palm best response to partial shade and green house.

42.  The leaves turn yellowish-green in direct sunlight.

43.  They need bright indirect sunlight from a south or west facing window.

44.  Without enough light the growth of the plant will slow considerably.


From My Garden

Water frequency

45.  Areca palm require good amount of water to thrive.

46.  Keep the soil moist constantly.

47.  In peak summer seasons water the plants twice in a day.

48.  You should let the soil dry before next watering done.

49.  Keep in mind that water logging in container may infect your roots.

50.  Watering must be regular but limited in order to not suffocate the plant’s roots.

Fertilizer requirement

51.  To established your young plants use nitrogen rich fertilizer.

52.  Use bone dust one teaspoon every three months or use 5gm any nitrogen reach fertilizer (NPK 3:2:1ratio), every month.

53.  You should just spread fertilizer on the top of the potting mix. Regular watering slowly leaching down the fertilizer.

54.  During spring change 2-3 inches top soil and filled it with fresh potting mix.


55.  Areca palm should only be pruned to remove unhealthy portions of the plant or to maintain a certain shape.

56.   Leaves should be cut away when they are completely brown and dead.

57.  Don’t trim canes unless they are clearly dead or damage.

58.  If you prune too many live canes, it can kill the whole plant.

 Repotting of plant


59.  This is a fast growing plant. It is best to repot once every two years in a large pot.

60.  Any time you can repot your plants but best it to do this in spring.

Pest management

61.  Areca palm is not susceptible to diseases.

62.  To maintain it is ad visible to remove old and dead leaves.

63.  Clean leaves with cotton cloth regular interval if possible.

64.  It can suffer from discolouring leaves if there is too much water. Give less water during this time.

65.  They are rarely susceptible to common houseplant pests like mealy bugs, spider mites and scale insects.

66.  Use Neem oil or insecticidal soap as foliar spray every 15 days.



